Shakespearean What-Ifs
Shakespeare's plays very often hinge on a single moment Tragedies could so easily become comedies, and comedies could so easily end in tears. Here's a look at some alternate Shakespearean timelines.
Mini-Comic Format
Mini-comic in action!
I drew the first Shakespearean What-If in five hours for Mini-Comics Day at the University of Michigan Art, Architecture and Engineering Library.
They are designed to be printed on a single sheet of paper and folded into awesomely cute little mini-comics that you can put in your pocket and take out whenever you need something sensational to read on the train. (Thanks, Oscar.)
If you are so inclined, feel free to download the PDFs below, print them out full size (no scaling to fit page, thank you) and then follow these incomprehensible instructions to finish making an awesomely cute little mini-comic of your own.