
Everyone's heard of Mark Antony's "friends, Romans, countrymen" speech from Julius Caesar, right? It's a fantastic speech. I recently watched the BBC Shakespeare 1979 film of Julius Caesar and Keith Michell's Antony knocks it out of the park. But what really amuses me is the run-up to the speech.

Strangely enough, Cassius does not spend the next two acts following Brutus around saying "I told you so, I told you so," over and over again, which is what I would have done.  

Good Tickle Brain at the Folger Library!

I am now only FOUR DAYS AWAY from speaking at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington D.C.! In case you're just joining me, I am giving a FREE talk on FRIDAY, APRIL 29 at 6:00PM, where I will be discussing my comic and live-drawing a brand new comic on stage with audience input. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN and you should check out all the details on the Folger's website