Hamleton: Wait For It

OK, so I'm over a year late to get on the Hamilton bandwagon. I've been geeking out about it from afar but only recently made the time to actually sit down and listen properly to the whole thing. 

It's hardly revolutionary (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?) to make a connection between Hamilton and Hamlet. Hamilton's creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, got the ball rolling with this recorded encounter:

Well, I've never met a musical number that I haven't wanted to at least try to parody, so I thought I'd take a song from Hamilton and rework it a bit... into Hamleton. It was not easy, as Miranda's lyrics are very dense and intricate, and I'm not entirely sure I've succeeded, but here it is anyways. Many thanks to Dan Beaulieu of the Seven Stages Shakespeare Company and No Holds Bard Podcast for acting as Lyrical Dramaturge on this effort. 

(Here's the song in question, if you've somehow managed not to listen to Hamilton yet.)

Write here...

COMING SOON* TO A WEBCOMIC NEAR YOU: Cordelia... Goneril... and Regan... the Le-ar Sisters!

*may or may not be coming soon

If you like Shakespeare/musical theatre mash-ups, be sure to check out The Sound of Hamlet and Into the (Shakespearean) Woods