Twelfth Night: Final Summary

Aaaand we're finally done with Twelfth Night! In case you missed the last four months of comics, and don't have time to go back and read them all, here's what happened:

Finishing a play means it's time to add up the numbers and decide whether it's a comedy or a tragedy. Let's take a look!

Three marriages and no deaths of named characters means this play is almost certainly a comedy. Hurrah! (Just don't ask me how long I think Sir Toby and Maria's marriage will last..)

Dramatis Personae | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5, part 1 | 1.5, part 2 | 1.5, part 3|2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3, part 1 | 2.3, part 2 | 2.4, part 1 | 2.4, part 2 | 2.5, part 1 | 2.5, part 2 | 3.1, part 1 | 3.1, part 2 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4, part 1 | 3.4, part 2 | 3.4, part 3 | 3.4, part 4 | 3.4, part 5 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 5.1, part 1 | 5.1, part 2 | 5.1, part 3 | 5.1, part 4 | 5.1, part 5 | 5.1, part 6 | Summary

On Break! 

Hey all! Due to several time-sensitive projects that I need to wrap up (one of them being the long-awaited flowchart poster) plus the very inconveniently-timed mental breakdown of the hitherto-but-no-longer trusty computer on which I draw all my comics, I will be taking next week off. I'll be back on Tuesday, October 11 with your regularly scheduled Shakespeare comics. Thanks for your patience and understanding!