30 Days of Shakespeare, Day 1: The Charge at Agincourt

Hey everyone! It’s Shakespeare’s birth/death month, and I wanted to do something special to celebrate it this year. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been having a really hard time creating new comics lately. I think the <gestures vaguely to indicate pandemic/impeding world war/social injustice/toxic politics/apocalyptic climate> has been getting to me and creating comics has just felt frustratingly impossible and pointless.

But the fact of the matter is that I really like creating comics and I feel empty when I don’t create comics. So, in an attempt to reconnect with what inspired me to start creating comics in the first place, every day this month (hopefully) I will be drawing something from the Shakespearean world that brings me joy. I’m starting things off with one of my earliest Shakespearean memories.

If you want to watch the charge, it starts around 1:37 on this video. Make sure you have the sound on.

If you’ve got moments from the Shakespeare world that bring you joy — a performance, a character, a line, a fun fact, anything goes — leave a comment below! Let’s all share the Shakespeare joy this month.