How to Draw Antigonus (a.k.a. The Bear Guy)

I was hoping May was going to be the month where I finally caught up one some long-neglected commissions and got my working life under control again. Unfortunately, I ended up burning out and not getting very much of anything done. My brain basically feels like it was just mauled by a bear.

Oh, and speaking of “mauled by a bear”…

This video comes courtesy of my exquisitely generous supporters on Patreon.

How to Draw Banquo

It’s October, the spoooooookiest month of the year! Shakespeare is full of spooky, so, to get in the seasonal swing of things, let’s start with taking a look at how to draw my personal favorite Shakespearean ghost!

OK, so all of Shakespeare’s ghosts are pretty cool. I don’t want to play favorites. But… COME ON. THE GORY LOCKS. That’s some top-quality spooking going on there.

This video comes courtesy of my top-tier supporters on Patreon, who, in the grand scheme of things, are the goriest of locks. And I mean that as a compliment.

Titus Andronicus: All The Deaths

If it seems to you like I revisit the death toll of Titus Andronicus with disproportionate frequency… you’re right, and that’s because it will never not be hilarious. Here’s a video of me methodically illustrating all of them. (One of my pens started to run out of ink partway through, but fortunately it wasn’t my red pen.)

This video comes to you courtesy of all my awesome supporters over at Patreon. Thanks to all of them for helping make it possible for me to do what is, objectively, a dream job.

I’m taking the next two weeks off! Enjoy your summers and I’ll see you back here in August.

Time-Elapsed Video: Romeo & Juliet One Page Summary

It’s JUST BARELY still March and I’m JUST BARELY still “off”! For one last time, let’s dip into the videos I’ve created for my $10 Patreon supporters. This time it’s a process video of me drawing my one-page summary of Romeo and Juliet.

I use Clip Studio Paint for all my work at the moment.

That does it for “Mya is not technically working but also is very much technically working” March! See you next week with all new Shakespeare comics!

A Dry Erase "Julius Caesar"

It’s March and I’m still supposedly “off”, but tomorrow is the IDES OF MARCH, and I can’t let that pass without comment. Celebrate (?) the Ides with a quick dry-erase re-telling of Julius Caesar!

This video (and many others like it) was drawn for my super-awesome $10 supporters on Patreon. Thanks to ALL my Patreon supporters, from $1 to $10, for making it easier for me to work full-time on Good Tickle Brain. I appreciate all of you so much.

How to Draw Julius Caesar

Hi there. This is extremely vexing but, for a variety of reasons, I haven't managed to finish the next part of A Stick Figure Julius Caesar yet. This vexes me. I'm terribly vexed. So, to give me a bit more breathing space without depriving you of fun Shakespeare content, here's a video I created a while back for my top tier supporters on Patreon:

You can support me on Patreon and get all sorts of fun extra content, including early preview comics, bonus comics depicting the daily trials and tribulations of being a Shakespearean cartoonist, and lots more drawing videos.

As always, thanks to all my current and past Patreon supporters for helping to make it easier for me to work on Good Tickle Brain full-time. You're wonderful, supportive, generous, giving, and inspiring people and I am deeply grateful.


St. Crispin's Day: The 600th Anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt

Sunday, October 25 is the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, immortalized among Shakespeare fans as the day Henry V gives his famous "Crispin's Day" speech. This speech was one of my favorites when I was a kid, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to revisit it for this anniversary. I put out a call to my readers for people to contribute to a massive communal Crispin's Day reading, and this is what I got:

So many people wanted to participate that I had a hard time editing the video in a way that let everyone have say. Some people's submissions were chopped down to half a line, or even a few words. This was not acceptable! So I've taken all the full clips and created three separate Crispin's Day videos from them:

I really want to thank everyone who participated, and I'm sorry if communication and technological glitches left anyone out. I had so much fun with this that I really want to do some more crowd-sourced Shakespearean supercuts in the future, though, so there will hopefully be more chances!

I also must thank Ben Crystal, who took time out from exploding Hamlets to send me this glorious rendition of the Crispin's Day speech in Original Pronunciation

Thank you again, everyone. I had a blast with this, and I hope you did too.